[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BlogPosting","@id":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/12-useful-tips-to-maintain-modular-kitchen\/#BlogPosting","mainEntityOfPage":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/12-useful-tips-to-maintain-modular-kitchen\/","headline":"12 Useful Tips to Maintain Modular Kitchen","name":"12 Useful Tips to Maintain Modular Kitchen","description":"Indian kitchens witness quite a lot of activities; hence they make for the busiest place in the home. We often long for speed and convenience to get our work done. Since this speed and convenience is provided to is by modular kitchens, they are slowly taking over all over India. Modular kitchens not only provide","datePublished":"2019-11-06","dateModified":"2019-11-06","author":{"@type":"Person","@id":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/author\/pritesh\/#Person","name":"pritesh","url":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/author\/pritesh\/","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a9d391329718457987a2a4824ffffb88?s=96&d=mm&r=g","url":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/a9d391329718457987a2a4824ffffb88?s=96&d=mm&r=g","height":96,"width":96}},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Grace Modular Kitchen Pune","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/09\/grace_logo-1.png","url":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/09\/grace_logo-1.png","width":241,"height":44}},"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/11\/12-Useful-Tips-to-Maintain-Modular-Kitchen.jpg","url":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/11\/12-Useful-Tips-to-Maintain-Modular-Kitchen.jpg","height":694,"width":1170},"url":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/12-useful-tips-to-maintain-modular-kitchen\/","about":["Modular Kitchen"],"wordCount":1317,"articleBody":"Indian kitchens witness quite a lot of activities; hencethey make for the busiest place in the home. We often long for speed andconvenience to get our work done. Since this speed and convenience is providedto is by modular kitchens, they are slowly taking over all over India. Modularkitchens not only provide you with convenience but also add a certain style toyour house. Modular kitchens have, in a way, given a new meaning to modernhomes. Although modular kitchens make your work easier to a great extent, itmight be a difficult task to maintain them. Since you have put in quite anamount in getting that modular kitchen made, you definitely want it to lastlonger than a normal one.Here are a collection of 12 useful tips that will help you to beautifully maintain a modular kitchen.1. Cleanliness is next to godliness.Cleaning of your kitchen on a regular basis is quite important. It is necessary to use a mild cleanser and a soft cloth to clean the drawers and racks to maintain the shiny and long lasting look. Using of harsh detergent should be avoided since it makes your surface rough in the long run. Regular cleaning will prevent deposition of dust or dirt on your cabinets. A mixture of half a cup of vinegar or baking soda in two gallons of water can replace chemicals used for cleaning and keep your kitchen chemical free.2. Keep the cabinets close.As discussed earlier, an Indian kitchen makes for the busiest place in the home. With oil and spices being spiller all over the place, it is quite important to keep the shutters, cabinets, drawers and racks of your modular kitchens closed. It prevents any steam from entering the cabinets and prevents stickiness. In case something falls down, it should be cleaned immediately to prevent any permanent marks or stains.3. Be careful with the hinges.Most of us have a habit of pulling drawers or opening cabinet quickly with a jolt. If there is frequent opening and closing of drawers in such manner, there is a chance that they get unhinged. This may also happen if you put a lot of weight on the drawers. You should use high quality hinges installed in all the cabinets. Also, keep a regular check on the drawers and get the necessary repairs done before it is too late.Also Read – Best Tips To Design Modern Modular Kitchen4. Choose your cloth wisely.Using a rough cloth or a sharp object to clean the surface may reduce the life span of your kitchen. A better alternative is to clean and wipe all the parts of the modular kitchen with a soft cloth.5. Take care of the walls and tiles.Not only cabinets and racks, but walls and tiles should also be cleaned from time to time. Clean them on a regular basis or at least on a weekly basis to avoid permanent marks and stains. Use of a mild detergent or disinfectant spray keeps the walls and tiles clean. Use of bleach or ammonia based products can cause damage to the tiles.6. Have a thorough cleaning once in a while.The kitchen also requires regular cleaning like other rooms in the house. A little effort can help you to keep your kitchen hygienic and easier to handle. A little bit of cleaning can keep your kitchen new and shiny for a long time.7. Ventilation.Cooking on the stove causes smell, stains and humidity. Some fresh air will save it from deteriorating and provide good ventilation. It keeps the surrounding cool and fresh and helps in the urge to cook.8. Use the space intelligently.The best thing about a modular kitchen is the plenty of space that is available. Since the kitchen is the most used area in the house, it is obvious to get cluttered. Proper distribution of the space for different work areas can help to organise your kitchen space in a better manner. You can ask your modular kitchen designers to help you out with the spacing of your kitchen.9. Paper as protection.Use sheets of paper to cover your cabinets and protect them for accumulation of dust. This is a life-saving tip. However, keep in mind that the paper should be changed at least once in a month to keep your storage area free of dust.10. Get rid of pests.Installing a modular kitchen isn’t the difficult part, maintaining it is. A regular anti termite and roach treatment will protect your kitchen from insects. It will keep you safe from major health hazards caused by insects. Spraying an insecticide monthly will keep your kitchen free of pests. The dustbin should be cleared daily and an insecticide can be sprayed for further precautions.11. Is your sink clean?Regular cleaning of sink will give your kitchen a spotless look. A steel sink can be cleaned with a soft nylon scruber to avoid scratches. Products like chlorides should be avoided. Vinegar should be used to clean a porcelain sink. Modular kitchen dealers can update you about the different types of materials from which you can choose.12. Keep changing the kitchen cloth.Many people use the same kitchen cloth for a number of days. This habit should be changed immediately. The old and dirty cloth of the kitchen should be replaced with a new one periodically.Conclusion A modular kitchen gives super trendy look to your home but it is your job to keep the good looks of your modular kitchen intact. Keep these easy and effective tips in mind and enjoy the look of your well maintained modular kitchen for a long time. Modular kitchens in Pune help you to choose your design, materials and style according to your budget and its long lasting property "},{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/#breadcrumbitem","name":"Grace Modular Kitchen"}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/gracemodularkitchen.com\/12-useful-tips-to-maintain-modular-kitchen\/#breadcrumbitem","name":"12 Useful Tips to Maintain Modular Kitchen"}}]}]